We are seeking to establish a cafe mission!
Our first attempt has established the weekly Lunch Club which meets on Thursdays from 12.30pm.
Our second manifestation is the SPARKS Cafe on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12-2pm. We have a partnership with Unity Enterprise, which works with people with special needs and disabilities
striving to achieve personal goals, such as confidence in a social setting, or public transport, catering and cafe work. The staff, supported by a carer with catering experience serve the public.
The menu is served at the value of he cost of the food. Do come along and help the staff achieve the goals and enjoy a varied menu in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
(During July and August the SAPRKS Cafe takes over from the Lunch Club and serves food from 12-2pm)
The third manifestation hasn’t become a physical reality yet, but it has an internet presence as 60 members communicate on a
Facebook page: Rolls Royce Reminiscences.
Our ultimate goal is to establish a full time cafe with various set tims for different groups: a youth cafe, an unemployment cafe, a cooking-on-budget class, and a pay-it-forward cafe. Perhaps a
CAP cafe. ( Church Against Poverty )
A fourth manifestation is our Acoustic Cafe which meets, on average, every second month. Musicians from the community are invit d to entertain and encourage the audience with personal favourite
songs, Christian and songs which they have composed themselves. To assist us with this Enterprise, and in conjunction with the M&D group ( the Music and Drama Group ) we have purchased stage
lighting and audio systems. ( subsidised by a very helpful diocesan grant)
We are continuing to develop our partnership with Unity and hope to extend our cafe to Tuesdays in the near future.